Please find our Science Curriculum intent, implementation and impact statements below.
Here at St James Catholic Primary School, we recognise that science is fundamental in all aspects of life. As soon as children enter EYFS, they are immersed in scientific enquiry and learn the skills needed to become inquisitive investigators of the world around us. By the time the children reach Year 6, these skills will be fully embedded through the teaching of the science curriculum, engaging field trips, and the opportunity to attend STEM events. As one of our core subjects, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires so that all children can reach their full potential. At St James Catholic Primary School, in conjunction with the aims of the National Curriculum, our science teaching offers opportunities for children to: Our science units are delivered on a half-termly rotation, allowing the children to have a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. In EYFS, science is taught through the children learning about the world around them in their learning through play. Our science curriculum has been carefully planned so that high quality teaching and resources are embedded across all year groups and all scientific units of work. Our lesson plans follow a precise structure which enables consistency across all classes and draws out the full potential of all students. Our lesson structures go as follows: children begin the lesson looking at a problem, photo or big question on Explorify which is aimed to challenge our children’s perceptions of the world around us and engage in open-ended questions. We remind children science is not always about finding the right answers but instead asking the right the right questions. Here at St James, all children are scientists. The content of work within children’s science books is assessed specifically through their sticky knowledge content and application of scientific skills. We also expect our science books to contain many cross-curricular links, including fieldwork sketches, the collation and presentation of data through graphs, and links to Geography through the exploration of the world around us. Science is also celebrated through whole-school events such as British Science Week and annual STEM competitions. At the end of each year, our children will have a comprehensive understanding of the science curriculum and a positive outlook on their learning journey through their time at St James. They will be able to discuss their findings using key vocabulary and references from their completed work. Children will have covered the five areas of scientific enquiry, developing their analytical and questioning skills along the way. Also, the children will have consolidated learning from other curricular areas due to the creative recording of data using a variety resources and methods.
We endeavour to ensure that the Science curriculum we provide will give children the confidence and motivation to continue to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and life experiences.Critical thinking:
The ‘Big Question’
‘Let’s rewind’
‘Sticky knowledge’