SATs week will take place from Monday 12th – Thursday 15th May 2025
A meeting was held in school on Thursday 21st November to share information about SATs.
Please find the following link to the information which Mrs Hayden and Mrs Heslop presented and discussed during the meeting. SATs KS2 Information for Parents
How are we preparing in school:
- Focused lessons ensuring that all content of the Y6 curriculum is covered.
- Intervention sessions for children who require extra support or extension.
- Booster sessions after school.
- Encouraging the use of SATs Boot Camp
- Familiarisation of SATS questions.
- Regular target setting and monitoring.
- Support of mental health and well being.
How you can help at home:
- Learning spellings.
- Encourage completion of homework on SATs Bootcamp and support targets that have been discussed at Parents Evenings.
- Encourage regular reading.
- Use interactive programs provided by the school such as Times Tables Rock Stars and SATS Boot Camp.
- Encourage, praise and reward.