Remember all pupils at Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to a free school meal.
The school meals at St James’ are home cooked by Sara our cook in charge and our Kitchen Assistants. All recipes are supplied by Chadwick’s Kitchen. All of our children have their lunch in the school hall supervised by our lunchtime staff. Children in Reception to Year 2 receive a universal free school meal and most children in KS2 choose to have a school dinner. Children have the opportunity to choose the meal of their choice at the start of each morning from the current menu. If you are in receipt of benefits and feel that your child is eligible for means tested free school meals please contact the school office.
For further information please read through the Local Education Authority free school meals information
Should your child have a special dietary need related to a medical condition, allergy or intolerance then reasonable adjustments can be made for them. Please refer to the BCCET Medical Diets Policy below and the medical Diet statement to parents. If you feel this applies to your child please contact the school office.
Packed Lunches
The overall aim of our packed lunch policy is to ensure that all packed lunches brought from home and consumes in school (or on school trips) provide the pupil with healthy and nutritious food that is similar to food served in schools, which is now regulated by national standards.
Packed Lunch Chadwicks Kitchen
Please refer to our school Packed Lunch Policy below for further information.
St James Packed Lunch Policy 2024